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Good Friday

We will be doing a ‘Walk of Witness’ with other churches in East Reading. We will follow a train that will end at Wycliffe with refreshments. Walking route:

·       9:40 am Our Lady of Peace

·       10.00  Earley St Peters

·       10.20  Anderson Baptist  Church

·       10.40  Park URC

·       11:00 Wycliffe Baptist Church

We plan to visit five churches, where we will stop, reflect, pray, sing and then carry a large cross to the next location.  Afterward we will finish with coffee/tea and hot cross buns.

For those who can’t walk come to Wycliffe at 10:45 to join in songs and reflection ready to join the Walk of Witness when it arrives at 11am.

28 March

Maundy Thursday - Passover Meal

30 March

Forecourt Outreach